
Manage complex effectivity at scale

Aras delivers a flexible, multi-factor approach to effectivity to enable manufacturers to manage complex effectivity at scale. The result is a massively simplified approach for engineering teams to specify and manage large numbers of variants and customized product configurations, collaborate on designs, and incorporate effectivity into the digital thread.

Effectivity services are natively configured inside of the Product Engineering application, and available for configuration into any other applications, standard or custom.

 ALM Integration with Aras

Design Effectivity Relevant to Your Business

Learn how easy it is to create additional effectivity variables and manage your scope, how to set effectivity expressions–as simple or complex as your business requires, and how to resolve structures fully or partially given the effectivity resolution criteria.


Aras simplifies how organizations manage effectivity by allowing it to be managed as part of a single data structure rather than multiple disconnected structures:

  • Apply data variants according to variables
  • Simplified data structure for complex parts
  • Variables drive data structure differences according to a modeling engine
  • Accurately track differences in serialized products