Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)

ALM and software systems integration


Successfully designing today’s complex products requires a close collaboration between software and hardware designers

Integrate ALM and PLM to allow anyone to gain complete visibility across the product lifecycle.


Understand dependencies, track changes and make informed decisions


Synchronize requirements, design specifications and changes


Accelerate time to market with faster collaboration and synchronized workflows

 Diamonds with circles at end points icon

Meet regulatory requirements, conduct audits and address quality issues

ALM Integrations

In order to bring high-quality, intelligent products to market quickly, manufacturers need to redesign their product lifecycle processes to allow for smooth, cross-disciplinary developments with a special focus on the software domain.

At the core of any integration strategy lies the ability to choose between copying, synchronizing, federating, or employing variations thereof. Having an Open API accessible on both ends of the integration reinforces the solution and facilitates the creation of connectors that seamlessly incorporate integration into specific business processes.


Create an ALM-PLM Integration with GitLab

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Partner Community in Action


Integrated System Lifecycle Management for Hardware and Software Engineering

 ALM Watch Now

ALM and PLM: The Key to Success

 ALM Watch Now

ALM and PLM: The Business Case for the Marriage

 ALM Watch Now

ALM and PLM: The Innovation Twins

 ALM Watch Now

With Aras we found a partner that shares our vision for the future, and understands the necessity for independence, confidentiality, and neutrality that our business requires to protect intellectual property and maintain our trusted relationships.

Michael Pieper, Managing Director, XPLM