Resilient Platform

Building Sustainability Into Your Environment

Read the White Paper

The Resilient Platform Explained

See how Aras’ resilient platform layers work together to create the most flexible environment in the industry. From the low-code modeling engine to Aras’ Platform Services, the platform is built to adapt and evolve.

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orange overlay layer  The Resilient Platform: Three Essential Characteristics

The Resilient Thinker

The word “visionary” is often used to describe those who imagined a future that the rest of us didn’t. At Aras, we often think of them as resilient thinkers—their flexible approach to tackling problems is a key to their success. Read about the three key design principles that define a resilient platform.

Three Essential Characteristics

What is a resilient platform? At Aras, we define a resilient platform as one designed to adapt to changing business requirements while never locking users into a specific technology. It is a platform made to be upgraded while maintaining all previous customization’s and where the data is fully transparent.

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Data Transparency

An open platform allows organizations to own their data instead of leaving it captive to an aging technology or software vendor.

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Technological Evolvability

A platform should never be locked into a technology. For a platform to be continually relevant over time, there must be flexibility in the design by keeping to open standards.

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Process Adaptability

Business processes change without concern for the ability of the systems to change with them. Technology needs to be so adaptable, it not only supports change but also encourages it.

Is Your Technology Ready?

Out of the box legacy PLM was never built to continually evolve. It is expensive to maintain, too complex to upgrade, and difficult to easily replace. Prepare for a new model that decreases development costs, improves data quality and minimizes technical debt. Learn how resilient technology makes you ready for Digital Transformation.

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Aras has built a highly differentiated enterprise business delivering unparalleled flexibility and value that empowers global organizations to digitally transform with low-code resilience.

- Jim Cashman – Board Member