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  • Trouble Exporting HTML Table to Excel in Aras Innovator Custom Button

    Hello everyone, I've been working on a custom button within the search tab for parts in Aras Innovator. The goal is to export a list of specific parts and their properties through a query and display them in an HTML table. Here's a snippet of the…
  • Link in children's Item Type view to the parent's Item Type view

    Hello everyone, Try explain, my scenario: I have the Item Types related: 1° Item type Authorization. 2° Item type AuthorizationTittle. 3° Item type AuthorizationTittleRelation (only to related). I need add a link or buton in AuthorizationTittle…
  • Have any document about aras javascript object?

    Hi, I want to work with some object as Form, Tab, Grid, add or remove items in grid ... of aras using javascript. Where can i find documents or have any way to start investigate? Thanks, QuyenTH
  • client side method to add days for a date return aN/aN/NaN when the browser is in Italian language

    Hi, I created new item type which have properties like first_delivery_date (date), total_number_of _orders(int), frequency(int), frequency_list(list)(values: Days, weeks, months), delivery_date_of_each_delivery(text). I wrote a client side method in…