• How to get the data of Impact Matrix using Query Builder?

    Like the question states. I need to get all the items ( their properties etc) that are associated to a PR(which are ECR, ECO etc.) I also need complete data from the impact matrix of ECO and EDR. When the Impact Matrix relationship is added to the ECO…
  • How do I use "Like" with declared properties in Query Builder?

    I would like to use Query Builder to get Plant declared Manufacturing Parts who's item numbers have a Root that are Engineering Part number. Example: Engineering Item Number: 1122345 Manufacturing Item Numbers: 1122345 (ABB), 1122345 (GFD), 1122345…
  • Query for Items related to the current user's Identity?

    Looking to build a TGV for our users that basically looks for certain ItemTypes that they are either a creator, owner, or manager of. Trouble I'm running into is how to set the initial Query condition? I tried setting a Where condition of Current…
  • Tree Grid View Filtering

    Hello, I've got a multi-level BOM that I'd like users to be able to filter by Name or Part Number. I followed the Query Element Builders Guide and the blog post " Filter a Tree Grid View with Parameters "; however it only works with the parameters at…
  • How do I set a where statement on a Query Definition against the current date the query is run?

    I want to only have it pull a specific relationship (Part AML) if a custom date field "Valid To" is greater than the current date. I am able to create the Where that compares it against a specific date, but this query definition is pulled by another process…
  • Query definition - Same fields added multiple times, causing issues with graph view

    Intermittent issue Sometimes, the properties that I add 'disappear' when the query is saved. I've previously made the mistake of going back and adding the properties again. It is not always immediately apparent in the query builder that the properties…
  • Query Builder & Poly Sources

    Good day all. I am on v11 SP10, and the previous caretakers of the system did not use the OOTB ItemTypes. I would like to build a Query Definition to find Illustrations that are associated with a manual. All of the document ItemTypes are part of an…
  • Query Def & TGV - All Grid Rows Must Have Unique IDs

    Good day all. I am getting this error when trying to verify my Query Definition and Tree Grid View are set up. I add a field to a custom ItemType for tracking software, Manufacturer. When I se the query & test it, I can get all of the data I want, so…
  • SQL in a TreeGridView

    I want to display the results obtained by SQL in a TreeGridView, but I want to implement it. QueryBuilder does not allow me to achieve this. Can I display TGV trees? I want to narrow down my search by conditional branching.
  • Query Builder Error

    We have an ItemType A and two Relationships Ra and TGV_Ra. In this, we are trying to get the details of Part Items which are present in this Relationship Ra and populating those in the Relationship TGV_Ra. But we've been getting this error - <SOAP-ENV…
  • Can't map query elements in tree grid view

    Hi, I have been trying to solve a problem I have with using the tree grid views. I can't seem to map certain elements. I wanted to make a recursive tree grid view based on a relation to a poly item where both poly sources had a relationship to the poly…
  • Can I customize Tree Grid View input XML

    Hello, Question about Tree Grid View/method functionality. I'm are creating some kind of tree (for example Part BOM) & data comparison tool. I'm utilizing Query builder and I have 2 different query results in my method at hand. And now we are…