Installing Aras without windows server or IIS server for student

Hi all

Im needing to play around on Aras PLM for my masters thesis but i dont have access to windows server or an IIS server is there a way to install Aras without these? maybe some sort of free to use virtual machine?


  • Hi,

    Aras is IIS application, so it needs Windows + IIS + SQL to run. BUT if you have Windows laptop, you usually can install IIS on that + free SQL Express (DB). So you don't need 'server' for that.

    I'm not 100% sure which Windows versions support installing IIS (student?, home?, pro -yes).

    Or are you using mac?


  • Hi,

    Aras is IIS application, so it needs Windows + IIS + SQL to run. BUT if you have Windows laptop, you usually can install IIS on that + free SQL Express (DB). So you don't need 'server' for that.

    I'm not 100% sure which Windows versions support installing IIS (student?, home?, pro -yes).

    Or are you using mac?

