Uploading Files


I was trying to create a file and add to document item type using an AML query but getting File Item cannot be added

<Item type="Document" action="add">
<Item type="Document File" action="add">
<Item type="File" action="add">
<Item type="Located" action="add">

Could you please help on this issue

  • I know this is an old thread but for anyone in the future looking for how to add File Items via AML, here is how I was able to get it to work in Aras v12SP18:

        <Item type='File' action='add' id='New32GUID'>
            <Item type='Located' action='add'>

    The key for me to get past the "File Item cannot be added" error was to ensure the "id" attribute in the beginning had a new unique 32 character GUID.

  • I know this is an old thread but for anyone in the future looking for how to add File Items via AML, here is how I was able to get it to work in Aras v12SP18:

        <Item type='File' action='add' id='New32GUID'>
            <Item type='Located' action='add'>

    The key for me to get past the "File Item cannot be added" error was to ensure the "id" attribute in the beginning had a new unique 32 character GUID.

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