How to update grid values without running .apply() (I want to update it only in the frontend and not post it)



There is a relationship grid row that I would like users to mass edit. I so far configured a method to appear in the CUI along with the functionality of having multiple rows highlighted, and can get the relationship Ids as well.

What I need next is to reference the frontend dom of the grid, get a particular column of that row, and set it to something. Is there a reliable method for that? 

Best Regards,


  • Hello, I found out the answer to this.

    JavaScript Aras method, aras.setItemProperty() is what can perform the front-end sided operation.

    The parameters descriptions are found when you dive into the method. Ensure that srcNode is an Item.node, and itemTypeNd is the item "Item" of the item, and also should be passed as an item.node. Passing them as item.node is important to have .selectSingleNode() available directly, as that method is called directly on the parameters and will return an error such as 'method selectSingleNode()' doesn't exist.

    I configured this to be run on an action, and performs much faster than running a .apply() on each record. It also shows the updates on the screen in real time, so once the operation is complete it will be apparent as you can see the grid change.

    Best Regards,
