Why do TOC Editor created menu items not show up in in the TOC after packaging and Import

Hello Community,

I've just tried to Package a staging table environment that includes TOC Menu elements created in the TOC Editor.

The Import did not result in the rendering of the added TOC Menu Items in the TOC Menu or TOC Editor.

I would appreciate any help or in site I can get to learn what I have done wrong or left out.

The process I went through is described below.

Note: I did go through the Docs but the process to even add the [Presentation Configuration] is incorrect and does not tell what to check for in the export. So this conversation will help that.

www.aras.com/.../Importing and Exporting.htm

--- Process --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I created a Package for the configured Items, Forms, Relationships, etc. All of these Exported and Imported correctly.

I added the TOC Category (CommandBarMenu) and Itemtype (CommandBarMenuButton) to the Package using the Package Button.

Doing this added the following Package Groups to the package: Menu, Menu Button, Command Bar Section


1) I navigated to one of the configured ItemType's, [Client Style] tab

2) Double clicked on on the [Presentation Configuration] in the Grid; "rh_Oracle_Mfg_Item_TOC_Configuration"

3) Clicked [Search Presentation Configurations]

4) Searched for the required [Presentation Configurations],

5) Selected all Required

6) added then to the Package via the right Click [Admin] menu.

Doing this added the following Package Group to the package: Presentation Configuration

7) I did the Export and all packaged elements were represented in the manifest and import folders

8) I did the Import into the new staging DB instance.


9) In the new Instance I

   a) Opened the TOC and nothing. I opened the TOC Editor and nothing

  b) I checked the SQL Server tables to see if all the elements, defined in the XML files, had been loaded.

      All Elements had been loaded into the tables:





  c) I checked the Itemtypes to see if the [Presentation Configuration] were set on the [Client Style] TAB.

      And they were:

  d) Lastly, tried clearing the IIS cache and the Browser cache

No Luck

Thanks for the help and/or in site.

Parents Reply Children
  • No haven't. I gave up for now due to priorities, but I will circle back.

    Thanks for checking up.


  • Hello Angela,

    I did not resolve the issue.

    What I did observe though was that it seems everything was packaged correctly.

    Here is the SQL Query for a Package check List:

    /* ############################################################################
     Get Element included in a package Definition
    Use [Rheem_Prod_2012-01-21]
    Select pkDef.name as "Package Name", pkGrp.name as "Package Group", pkElm.name as "Element Name"
    From innovator.PackageDefinition as pkDef
        Inner join innovator.[PackageGroup] as pkGrp on pkGrp.source_id = pkDef.id
        Inner join innovator.[PackageElement] as pkElm on pkElm.source_id = pkGrp.id
    Where pkDef.name = 'rh_OracleMfgBOM_To_eBOM_Staging'
    Order by  pkDef.name, pkGrp.name Asc, pkElm.name

    What I observed was:

    1) The Folder level was not created

    2) The Itemtypes with icons were assigned to the top level of the TOC

    3) The Itemtypes with not icons were not loaded

    Resolution create the rest by hand.



  • Hi Scott

    I think you are missing the elements that glue everything together. You have Methods and individual buttons and the top presentation config. But where is the CommandBarSection and the CommandBarSectionItem that are in between?

    Take a look at the folder structure of an old Github project of mine:

    Ignore the project itself, it´s outdated and I didn´t know better in the past. But notice the elements that I included into the package.

    I started with CommandBarItem to export the individual buttons/menus. This one is a nice trick, cause this ItemType is a Poly-Itemtype that combines all elements. In addition I exported CommandBarSectionItem cause I extended an existing CommandBarSection. CommandBarSection and Presentation Config are missing in my case, cause they were already there in Innovator OOTB.

    So for CUI go with Item/Section and SectionItem. PresentationConfig only if missing. 


  • Hi there Angela,

    What I assumed was that when I clicked the button "Add to Package Definition", that innovator would add what it needed to add to the package for Export-Import.

    Woops .... my bad!   Grin

    So, thanks for the overview and the guidance.

    I will check your GitHub post.

    Take care.
