#using "C:/temp/aras2023dlls/bin/IOM.dll" #using "C:/temp/aras2023dlls/bin/System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.dll" #using "C:/temp/aras2023dlls/bin/Aras.Net.dll" using namespace System; using namespace System::IO; using namespace System::Reflection; using namespace System::Configuration; void arasDo() { // sample aras code System::String ^ url = "http://devaras2023/InnovatorServer/Server/InnovatorServer.aspx"; System::String ^ database = "InnovatorSolutions"; System::String ^ user = "admin"; System::String ^ password = "innovator"; auto conn = Aras::IOM::IomFactory::CreateHttpServerConnection(url, database, user, password); auto result = conn->Login(); auto s = result->ToString(); } static Assembly ^ LoadFromSameFolder(Object ^ sender, ResolveEventArgs ^ args) { String ^ folderPath = "C:\\temp\\aras2023dlls\\bin"; String ^ assemblyPath = Path::Combine(folderPath, (gcnew AssemblyName(args->Name))->Name + ".dll"); if (File::Exists(assemblyPath) == false) return nullptr; Assembly ^ assembly = Assembly::LoadFrom(assemblyPath); return assembly; } void aras() { // put this somewhere you know it will run (early, when the DLL gets loaded) System::AppDomain ^ currentDomain = AppDomain::CurrentDomain; currentDomain->AssemblyResolve += gcnew ResolveEventHandler(LoadFromSameFolder); arasDo(); }
The exePath does not exist
Assembly.GetEntryAssembly() returns a NULL
Can someone explain me how to execute the added cpp sample code so I can load the aras 2023 dlls?