Ad Workflow Process Path to Started Workflow

Good day all.  Does anyone know how to add a path between two Activities when a workflow has already been started?  I have a few changes that had Override Path selected, but no way to return to the previous Activity.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thank you

  • Hi Nathan,

    your request is already a few days old, but maybe you´re still interested in some hints.

    In general modifying started Workflows is not indented by Innovator.

    If you need to do it as admin to fix a few affected Workflows, you can try to manipulate the Activity relationships in the running Workflow Process. Not a pretty solution, but your best chance.

  • Hi Nathan,

    your request is already a few days old, but maybe you´re still interested in some hints.

    In general modifying started Workflows is not indented by Innovator.

    If you need to do it as admin to fix a few affected Workflows, you can try to manipulate the Activity relationships in the running Workflow Process. Not a pretty solution, but your best chance.
