When adding new features to an Aras instance, it is sometimes necessary for users to clear their browser cache.
What is the best way to force users to delete their browser cache? I don´t think it´s technically possible to do this automatically, is it?
How do other users deal with it? Are their any best practice tips (except sending a notification message)?
When we deploy our latest changes to our production environment, we update the cache setting in Innovator/Client/web.config.
Look for the line
> <cachingModule moduleEnabled="true" filesRevision="std" />
As that is part for the URL, everytime you go to {server}/InnovatorServer it will resolve to:
> localhost/.../default.aspx
so if you change std to say a 1 you'll get
> localhost/.../default.aspx
Meaning that every single cached item is not cached anymore since the URL is changed
I can't remember exactly the format, but IIRC you can't use '.' and '-' in the value.
When we deploy our latest changes to our production environment, we update the cache setting in Innovator/Client/web.config.
Look for the line
> <cachingModule moduleEnabled="true" filesRevision="std" />
As that is part for the URL, everytime you go to {server}/InnovatorServer it will resolve to:
> localhost/.../default.aspx
so if you change std to say a 1 you'll get
> localhost/.../default.aspx
Meaning that every single cached item is not cached anymore since the URL is changed
I can't remember exactly the format, but IIRC you can't use '.' and '-' in the value.