Robin Bai - Thursday, May 7, 2009 11:18 PM:
How to list all versions of a part on the form in one time?
For example, there are 3 parts each one has 2 versions A and B, could Aras has a function to list these parts and versions all in one form?
part 1, A
part 1, B
part 2, A
part 2, B
part 3, A
part 3, B
SamsAn - Monday, May 11, 2009 12:06 PM:
Edit a form (TOCAdministrationForms) where you are going to display the parts.
Add HTML field to the form, put script tag into the field. The script should request appropriate parts through IOM. The query should contain id tag to request all parts versions. The rough example is below.
var query = new Item();
query.loadAML("<Item type='Part' action='get' select='item_number'><id condition='is not null'/></Item>");
var res = query.apply();
//Code to display the parts versions information contained in res now.
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