ejmoska - Friday, October 28, 2016 8:43 AM:
i have stumbled across some interesting scheduling, which i cannot understand.
2 activities , both FS 0 lag on same predecessor , but both starting at different dates.
activity 1 - predecessor | | start | 2016.09.21 | end | 2016.10.10 | dur 14
activity2 - predecessor | 1 | start | 2016.10.17 | end | 2016.10.28 | dur 10
activity3 - predecessor | 1 | start | 2016.10.11 | end | 2016.10.24 | dur 10
Is there anything else going on in the background that could affect these dates?
Yoann Maingon - Friday, October 28, 2016 8:58 AM:
Quick Thought, The activity 3 is done, but activity 2 is not started is actually sliding to today's date. could it be the reason?
ejmoska - Friday, October 28, 2016 9:22 AM:
i have another, identical example , where both activities are not started , so i think this is not the reason
Yoann Maingon - Friday, October 28, 2016 10:22 AM:
Then I may be missing some inputs, or overall view of your project to understand the cause.
If you are under subscription this is typically something to submit to support. If not, try to provide more info, but it's hard without accessing the system itself.