Install two instances of Aras V11 in the same machine

Hello All,

I have installed an instance of Aras Innovator V11 SP15 with the following url : http://MachineName/InnovatorServerOne/Client, using create a new database (dbOne) during installation.
what i want to do is adding or installing another instance (InnovatorServerTwo) of Aras V11 SP15 in the same machine using a database (dbTwo) that already exist.

Is there any idea please on how to add this second instance with the following url :http://MachineName/InnovatorServerTwo/Client  ?

  • Hello AJ Sebastian,

    I have done the needfull, the second instance installed successfully but i am unable to see changes when i execute a client Event method.

    Server event method works fine as when i execute the method i can see the changes.

    I have tested with a simple client method that contains just an alert but no changes are applied in the application. 

    Is there any missing configuration shoud be done ? as this is so strange

  • Hello AJ Sebastian,

    I have done the needfull, the second instance installed successfully but i am unable to see changes when i execute a client Event method.

    Server event method works fine as when i execute the method i can see the changes.

    I have tested with a simple client method that contains just an alert but no changes are applied in the application. 

    Is there any missing configuration shoud be done ? as this is so strange
