ALM and PLM: The Key to Success
Accelerate your new product introduction with the innovation twins Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM).
Products are getting smarter each year, increasing the ratio among software among hardware components, sub-systems, and the system in its entirety. People from different disciplines need to collaborate to make products and systems work reliably. Furthermore, the pressure to improve the innovation cycle is increasing challenging the market share achieved so far. The different engineering disciplines involved typically work within their specialized tools: software engineering in their ALM system, electrical engineering in data management tools, and mechanical engineers manage data in their PLM system. The know-how exchange between those silos is often poor and results in substantial manual overhead.
In our previous ALM and PLM webinars, we talked about the technology (ALM and PLM: The Innovation Twins) and the business case (ALM and PLM: The Business Case for the Marriage). In this webinar, BHC Consulting, PROSTEP and Aras focus the attention on the methodology and people. Without a good methodology, like Systems Engineering, the collaboration between the disciplines will be cumbersome – despite good ALM and PLM platforms, and sound connecting technology.