I'm kind of a sucker for a good infographic. I love them. Truly. So when I was Internetting a few weeks ago and I stumbled across this beauty, well, I almost fell out of my chair.
Apparently, I waste a lot of time at work.
When I opened this one, the message was glaring at me, taking up the entire top half of the page, and all I could think was, how do they know? Am I in deep water? Don't they know it's not my fault?!
Scrolling down, I was struck by the barrage of imagery relating to how much time we all waste at work. Between constant emails and other electronic interruptions, the need to be hyper-responsive and an overwhelming workload bearing down upon everyone's shoulders, it truly is hard to imagine how anything gets done. And that's just for the everyday office employee.
It wasn't long before my PLM brain started churning around the concept for designers, product managers, suppliers and people on the manufacturing shop floor chasing paper. …Is it the latest design? Are you sure? What about that latest change the customer submitted 18 seconds ago? Did the project manager sign off on that? Where is the product in the lifecycle? And, are there any active pending changes or other critical information I need to respond to in real time?
According to the infographic, email alone accounts for productivity loses of more than $6,000 per employee, per year. It makes me wonder how much productivity is lost due to bad PLM?