Transportation & Logistics

Managing movement in the age of product complexity

Own the Lifecycle

Transportation Industry Leaders Building With Aras

 MAN Diesel and Turbo

Evolving in the Next Wave of Transportation

Complex products emerging from transportation-focused manufacturers are redefining how to move people and goods across the globe. These industry-disrupting technologies are changing consumer behavior and regulations. Those that can adapt will be poised to acquire new customers and sources of revenue. Success will require technology that can keep pace with innovation.

 Transportation and Logistics

Engineer What's Next

From on-demand custom goods to drone taxis. Once thought impossible, enable mass customization by breaking down silos, eliminating process inefficiencies, and building with an innovative product lifecycle platform.

 Transportation and Logistics

Connect the Ecosystem

Building the next big idea takes a village, which means connecting information from engineering and collaborating with suppliers across the globe. Doing this sustainably requires a Digital Thread.

 Circle with radial lines

Become Customer-Centric

Innovating through customer-centric business models requires the right approach to data, process, and service. It is time for a flexible platform with Digital Twin-enhanced maintenance capabilities.

Disrupt Industry with Innovative Technology

Electrification of cars, trucks, and fleets are going mainstream and autonomous vehicles continue to refine their technologies. Opportunities are emerging thought not possible just a few years ago, like hyperloops and drones for passenger and goods transport. Now is the time to move ahead of the competition with a resilient platform that adapts to changing business requirements.

 Transportation and Logistics