Digitization impacts every aspect of today’s manufacturing operations and extended supply chain.
The Society of Manufacturing Engineers’ Smart Manufacturing events in Detroit convene industry leaders to look at innovations, trends and best practices when it comes to the digitization of manufacturing.
Aras joins Ford, Cummins, Boeing, General Electric and others for a one day seminar dedicated to smart manufacturing technologies that connect design, planning, production and distribution to drive process improvements, reduce operational costs and increase efficiencies.
Transforming the New Product Launch Process
A highlight of the event is a best practice case study presented by Aras and Carlisle Brake and Friction entitled “Transforming the Launch Process for New Products.”
As the presentation will illustrate, the pace of developing and producing tomorrow’s next generation connected products requires the integration of processes and data across numerous manufacturing and engineering teams now more than ever.
A key challenge for many organizations has been the fragmented systems supporting critical tasks such as the manufacturing bill of materials, process planning, work instructions, quality and test, etc. This lack of integration is further complicated by last minute engineering changes, leading to costly delays and rework. The case study highlights a new and different product lifecycle management approach to supporting manufacturing engineering by creating the first set of fully connected applications.
This session uses real world scenarios to show the benefits that can be achieved today through faster development of manufacturing and quality plans by streamlining the entire process from design to the shop floor and across the supply chain.
Join Aras in Detroit
We hope you’ll join us for this event taking place Tuesday, May 24 in Detroit.  See full agenda, registration. 
Smart Manufacturing Series hosted by Society of Manufacturing Engineers:  The Digital Transformation in Detroit May 24