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Preview of New Responsive Forms

This release of Aras Innovator includes a preview of the new capability to create and view item forms in a responsive layout to allow administrators to gain familiarity with this new approach. Future releases will provide additional functionality such as a rule-based layout and field styling. The existing Form capability (now referred to as Classic Forms) continues to work as usual.

Responsive Form Designer

The Responsive Form Designer is provided to create a responsive layout for an Aras Innovator Form. This layout provides an alternative to the Classic Form definition that relies on assigning x,y coordinates to each of a Form's fields. The Responsive Form Designer enables administrators to define a Form's content using container elements such as columns, column sets, and group boxes.

Responsive Forms for Item Views

Responsive Forms adapt to the size of the browser window or screen resolution. The Responsive Forms can be assigned to ItemType Views so end users will be able to use the Forms while viewing and editing Items.

Responsive Form Designer Canvas

The Responsive Form Designer canvas enables administrators to preview the content and layout of a Responsive Form. The designer UI also includes buttons for toggling the visibility of the side panels and layout guides so administrators can view the form as the end users will see it when it's rendered.

Responsive Form Designer Element Pane

The Responsive Form Designer includes an Element Pane, which lists the layout elements and fields that may be dragged and dropped onto the canvas. Layout elements include columns, preconfigured column sets, and group boxes. The Element Pane also lists the properties available to add to the canvas when the Form is related to an ItemType.

Drag & Drop Layout Elements for Responsive Forms

The Responsive Form Designer enables administrators to drag and drop layout elements and fields within the canvas to modify the content of the Form.

Responsive Form Designer Detail Pane

The Responsive Form Designer includes a detail pane for viewing and editing the properties of the form. The detail pane also provides the ability to view and modify the properties of the elements selected in the designer canvas.

Add Responsive Form to a Package

Administrators can add a Responsive Form to a package in the Responsive Form Designer.

Switch Between Responsive and Classic Forms

Administrators can use the added Switch to Responsive Form action in the Classic Form Editor to enable the Responsive Form Designer and create an alternative responsive layout for the current Form Item. The Switch to Classic Form action in the Responsive Form Designer is used to revert the Classic Form Editor and Classic Form content.

Reduced Metadata Requests for List Properties

The number of requests to populate List data were reduced to further optimize the loading of information in Search Grids.

Control Dashboard Access Using Private Permissions

Dashboard Creators and Dashboard Administrators can control access rights to specific identities.

This set of permission controls only the Dashboard itself and not the data displayed by the Widgets components. Data is always controlled by the logged-in user privileges.

Configurable Job Scheduling

The Aras Configurable Job Scheduling service has been added to Aras Innovator in this release. This service enables administrators to schedule jobs execution based on configuration available in Aras Innovator which enables automation of routine duties and develops new functionality to run server methods on a configurable schedule.