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Embedded Document Elements
This feature provides the ability to insert child Graphics, Item properties, and other text-based Document Elements within a parent text Document Element. Authors can classify selected text within a sentence and/or relate this text directly to a referenced Item property when using this feature.
Indicator for Non-Current Item Version
An indicator has been added to alert users of non-current Item versions. This helps to avoid reviewing out-of-date information. A link next to the indicator is provided to open the current Item version in a separate tab.
Simulation Viewer Update
The Simulation Viewer has been updated to VCollabWeb 22.2 to support the latest web viewer features and versions of the WCAX format with the following:
Added support for wcax version 3.4.
Added support to control the features (Probe, Product tree, Explode, Clip Planes) from a WCAX file.
Added support for responsiveness to the image label.
Added product tree, clip planes, explode model.
Added support for ruler.
Added support for show/ hide of result name and instance name header in the legend.
Enhanced the selected element export with part information.
Added support for show/ hide of XY Plot data points.
Added support for position of Axis.
Added option to set any viewpoint through query string.
Added support for Adams animation and legend animation.
Added support for legend transparency.
Added support for image label.
Added support for 2D image viewpoint.
Added support for keeping feature edges in a section.
Added support for axis position.
Added support for independent model rotation, fixed animation speed and scale factor and show/hide for XY-Plot.
Added support for special characters in the Units.
Added Markup notification feature.